
Reference Implementation

Every activity performed by a user can be described as a message with the follow schema:


    id: STRING[255],  
    type: STRING[15],  
    subtype: STRING[15],  
    creator: STRING[65535],  
    createdAt: UINT64,  
    payload: OBJECT, // Depends on message type  

Message ID

We should hex-encode the message based on the following pseudo code in order to create a deterministic SHA256 hash.

const type = hexString(message.type.toUpperCase()); // e.g. "POST" -> 504f5354  
const subtype = hexString(message.subtype.toUpperCase());  
const creator = hexString(message.creator); // ETH address
const createdAt = hexUint32(message.createdAt); // e.g. 1624773198 -> 60D8124E  
const payload = hex(message.payload); // hex order based on message types  
const encode = [  
  uint8len(hash), hash, // "POST" -> 504f5354 -> 8504f5354  
  uint8len(subtype), subtype, // "" -> "" -> 0  
  uint16len(creator), creator, // "bob.eth" -> 626f622e657468 -> 000e626f622e657468  
  createdAt, // 1624780498 -> 0000000060d82ed2  
const messageHash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(encode).digest('hex');  
const messageId = creator + '/' + messageHash; // e.g. 0x1234...7890/42740f20aed483b69701a55ab295a2ed  

A message can be used to described user activities such as a post, comment, likes, and follow.

Profile Message

The PROFILE type is used to support adding profile data to a name.

	type: "PROFILE",  
	subtype: "NICKNAME" | "BIO" | "PROFILE_IMAGE",  
	payload: { 
		value: STRING[255],
	type: "PROFILE",  
	subtype: "CUSTOM",  
	payload: {  
		key: STRING[255],  
		value: STRING[16777215]  

Post Message

The POST type is used to support posts (similar to tweets, status update, etc), comments, and reposts.

	type: "POST",  
	subtype: "" | "REPLY" | "REPOST",  
	payload: {  
		topic: STRING[255],  
		title: STRING[255],  
		content: STRING[16777215],  
		reference: STRING[255],  
		attachment: STRING[255]  

File Message

The File type is used to support adding file to a name

	type: "FILE",  
	subtype: "TORRENT",  
	payload: {  
		name: STRING[255],  
		mimeType: STRING[255],  
		data: STRING[16777215]  
	type: "FILE",  
	subtype: "IPFS",  
	payload: {  
		name: STRING[255],  
		mimeType: STRING[255],  
		data: STRING[16777215]  

Moderation Message

The MODERATION type is used to support moderation activities, such as a LIKE, UPVOTE, DOWNVOTE, BAN, etc.

	type: "MODERATION",  
	subtype: "LIKE" | "BLOCK",  
	payload: {  
		reference: STRING[255]  

Connection Message

The CONNECTION type is used to support follows and other types of links between names.

	type: "CONNECTION",  
	subtype: "FOLLOW" | "BLOCK",  
	payload: {  
		name: STRING[65535]  

Last updated